A warriors Battle

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Update on Dad

Hello Everyone,

Your prayers, love and support are working!!  Dad has used up another one of his many lives and surprised everyone with his miraculous recovery.  It looks like he is going to kick this thing.  The antibiotics did their magic to the meningitis. He has one more week of the antibiotics to complete the dosage. They detected a gall bladder infection which was addressed last week.  It may come to the removal of his gall bladder, but not until after he has regained some strength. 

I will tell you that its amazing what a weeks time will hold.  We went from sending Matt home from overseas to be by Dads deathbed to Matt watching the Broncos game with dad in the hospital on Saturday.  I visited Dad in the hospital today and he doesn't appear to have lost much if any of his brain function.  He is slow but eager to get out of the hospital.  The doctors said he needed to be up and walking before they would release him...what do you know? he walked two laps around the ward and up a few steps. He has a long road of rehabilitation to get his strength back up but he is ready for the challenge with a renewed spirit.

He is not completely out of the woods but we are all happy that he is with us keeping up the good fight.

Thanks again for all of your prayers.



  1. Way to go Ed! Keep up the fight! Steve Swift

  2. Happy New Year Colonel.
    We sure do miss you around Glasgow Hall.
    Best wishes to Lesnowiczs near and far for 2013.
    -CDR Doug Burton

  3. Fast Eddie - Our thoughts and prayers are with you, you're doing a great job!
    Jim Haig

  4. We are with you in our daily thought my friend. Time to start some PT, wish I could join you in it. Could use some weight control myself...Our best to you all. Dick & Nettie

  5. Thanking God for His faithfulness in hearing
    and answering our prayers!!!!!
    AND...those prayers will keep on, keeping on!!!!!
    (So happy you are back home from the hospital,
    Uncle Ed and that Matt is back home, too!!!!!)
    We Love You, Uncle Ed!!!!!
    We Love You, Auntie!!!!!
    We Love You, S.C. Family!!!!!

  6. I had the privelege of serving with your dad at MarForEur from 12/2001 to 11/2002 and sometimes as his informal chaplain when he needed to unload. Have the picture of him calling for fire in Somalia hanging at my desk at DIA. Praying for him now from Kabul.
    Godspeed, Colonel!
    Scott Smith


  7. Dear Ed, family and support team:

    My husband Greg and I have signed up for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training to help raise money for blood cancer research. Our goal is to raise $5,200 in the next four months by training to get ready to ride a 100 mile bike ride at Lake Tahoe in June. I am dedicating my ride to Ed as my honoree - he will be with me in spirit to motivate me to complete those 100 miles! Please check out our website at: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/ambbr13/teamoneal
    if you would like to support our goal or find out more about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society research to find a cure.

    With Ed on our Team how can we fail?

    Hang in there Ed!

    Carol O'Neal

  8. MarForEur reunion in Washington DC area 23 March 2013. The CHIEF will be honored. Keep the powder dry and protect the Orienting Line.
    Erik Doyle

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Lesnowicz family. Always the fighter, the Colonel's "defeat" of this most recent bacterial enemy does not surprise me at all. I will try to keep up with the blog and send healing Mi Sheberakh. Having Mary and Ed at the helm of MARFOREUR made the tour a wonderful, fun experience.

    I know the family is covered in the Catholic tradition, but the Colonel once questioned my conversion as an excuse to get additional religious holidays - as only Ed could do. So here is the Hebrew prayer in English translation -

    May the One who blessed our ancestors -- Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah -- bless and heal Ed.

    May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him, to restore him, to heal him, to strengthen him, to enliven him.

    The One will send him, speedily, a complete healing -- healing of the soul and healing of the body -- along with all the ill, among the people of Israel and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay, and let us all say: Amen!

    Semper Fi,
    Leah Watson
    MARFOREUR Alumni

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