A warriors Battle

Friday, June 7, 2013

AAR for May

You know you are in trouble when the Docs start by discussing your living will.  I didn't make it to Analicia's birthday.  I was in hospital for two weeks while they figured out how to kill (2) bacterial infections, (2) viral infections, (1) fungal infection while not killing my kidneys.  Again I walked out of the hospital, carrying 15 different medications.  I am still not out of the woods, but at least I am home.  Need to start all over on diet, physical therapy, and attitude adjustments.  We also are in Stanford twice a week so lots of road time.  I just need to be careful, a lot more careful than I am accustomed.

Thanks to bicycle team led by the O'Neals at Tahoe for lymphoma.  They raised over 11k.  There is a research requirement, particularly AITL,  as medicine is a science, but when the patient shows up it becomes a art.

So there it is.  

I have a brand new granddaughter born 6/4/13, Julia Marie Lesnowicz.  This makes seven grandkids, so need to stick around to get some fingerprints on them.  

The doctors are a little amazed that I have been able to pull out of these last two infection events.  They say my body is responding like a twenty year old,  just need to get kidneys to come to attention.    It is not the body.  It is what the Corps gave a long time ago.  We just don't know how to lay down and die, on the battlefield or the bed.  

Semper Fi 



  1. Maggie T and FamiliaJune 7, 2013 at 10:44 PM

    Hey, Uncle Ed!!! So nice to read your latest blog. You are one tough cookie, ya know that? :) Praying for those meds to kill the infections and for sure praying that those kidneys hear the 'orders'!! Take it easy and do all the 'suppose-tos'.
    Over 11K raised for Lymphoma!!!!! Way to go O'Neals!!! Big congrats on grandchild #7! She is a beauty. :) I am and always will be so proud of you, Uncle Ed...and of course my Beautiful Auntie!!! Keeping you and the family in my daily prayers. **==Love YOU**==

  2. Glad to hear you´re up and in good spirits. Another day, another battle. You´ll beat this. See you soon.

  3. Ed,
    So very glad to hear you have improved enough to walk out of the hospital. Jerry McAbee first alerted me to your condition a few months ago. I'm completely retired now--checked out of TECOM last September. I always think of you as a fantastic battalion commander during my tenure in 11th Marines, and a great guy as well. Sincerely hope you are able to lick this thing, or at least keep up with it!
    Semper Fi
    Bruce Judge

  4. Hey Sir, you are a tough old bird! I found your "3/11 Change of Command" program in an old photo album. I realized that I was deficient in checking on you-my bust. I just went over 34 years of service, the bastards will only let me go to 35. Nobody cares that this is all we've ever done. Take care big brother...
    Top Banks
