A warriors Battle

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Situation Report #10

A new morning with much to report.

Let's start with Mathew making it home from Afghanistan.

Two Marines and A Pink Blankie
Yes, God is good!  We have our brother back from the trenches and dad's stress of not getting a chance to see Mathew has left us behind.  We were worried when Matt told us someone "gave him clothes" in Kyrgyzstan. I thought he might show up in a cool out fit.  No, it just turns out Big Bird was on an international vaca in the "Stans".
Cool Kyrgies
Okay, BIG NEWS....
  1. Platelets were UP to 30,000 last night.  
  2. The bone marrow biopsy showed they WERE NOT blocked with an insane amount of cancer.  Some but enough for doctors to feel good about marching forward.
  3. Since we can't do anything about the blood clot in dads lung the doctors started Chemotherapy anyway.  
They started a drip last night of chemotherapy and dad tolerated it nicely.  He has to stay in the hospital still because of the "fragile state" he is in.

Could of FOOLED me!  Last night I went into his room:

"Hi dad, how are you feeling." (In a sweet whispering voice)
"SNICKERS BAR!  No. 3 snickers bars, a coke and 2 bags of chips!"
"Umm, I donno..."
"Let's go, MOVE, HUBBA HUBBA!  If your MOM didn't take my wallet I'd be down the hall."

So, I'm standing in the hall way.  Fighting with my inner Dietitian.  You know the one I sat through one to many science classes for.  The one that I used to half nelson family members of patients bringing them crap when I worked in the hospitals.  Then my culinary self popped up and the voice of a French teacher I had arose.  "Food is happiness".  Yeah, I bought the goods but not the chips.  The slightest abrasion and dad can bleed to death.  Yeah know, I thought better not.  

As it stands right now dad will definitely be in the hospital until Saturday.  He is coming home hopefully after that but his immunity is so low that he CAN NOT get sick.  So, no breathing your germs all over him.  

As all of us were praying for PLATELETS.  It turns out dad has been praying for PLANKTON.  

"Plankton" of Sponge Bob Square Pants fame.

I'm sure every star of a show needs prayers...Hollywood, it's a killer. Really dad can we focus on the task at hand here.  I keep correcting him but then finally just decided to change his behavior via public humiliation.  Works best with this family anyway.

Your comments keep us going.  I read all of them to dad.  Through tears, laughter and gratefulness.
Adapt, Improvise and Overcome. 


  1. Lesnowicz Family, Just wanted you all to know that prayers are going up for you in Mobile, AL. I am a friend of Meredith's from TN.... Praying for good days filled with good reports!

    Amanda Allred

  2. Awesome news! We'll keep the thoughts and prayers coming. We'd buy stock in Snickers (Mars) if it were publicly traded.

    Love to all,
    Chris, Sue and Mike

  3. You covered an amazing amount here -- plankton, Snickers, two Marines and a pink blankie. Impressive. Sounds like an interesting ride up there. : ) Excellent stuff with the platelets being WAY UP and the bone marrow biopsy stuff -- all awesome news. Keep on keepin' on. Love you guys. Chris

  4. AMLC you are doing an outstanding job! Thank you so much for sharing the good news. Blow a gentle kiss to EJL for me and give MKL a bear hug!
    In class today, more eeeeeejjjjjjjooohhhmmmmnnn, Bonnie

  5. Ed Kathleen here, trying to figure out how this }#%*%#{{ thing works. Do you miss me??? Hahahah I sure miss you, especially at this time of year, u only one who let's me be myself....hugs to yu...how fab I can folloowwwwww you via edsfirefight....you marine u....give it a fight!!!!!!! Love you Ed...hugs. I'm having a Snickers on you...remember it's my fav too......I will stay in touch...my prayers to you all.....

  6. Happy to read you are improving, we are so pulling for you, take care Eddy. love and hugs Sheika's cousin and Tom

  7. Ed, you and your family are in our prayers. Thought about you all day. Happy to read about your improvements this evening. Your daughter is a great battle buddy and blogger; great sitreps. Get well, buddy!

    Chris, Chiwon, and Sarah Nannini

  8. Love your blog style, Analicia. So vivid, I feel like I'm there. The cartoons and the photos with those captions are so entertaining!

    Thanks for taking the time to share. We've been on the edge of our seats over here on this rollercoaster. And Dudi has lost sleep many nights thinking about Ed. And Mary, too.

    This update is a good one. We're keeping the faith. Love you guys.

  9. Sir,

    Denise and I are thinking of you and your family; ya'll are in our prayers! You will kick this!

    Semper Fi

    Scott Casey

  10. ED --George Dallas here -Got word that you were down We . Lot's of Marines are praying for you and your family.. Glad to hear your boy got home-- that is a blessing. Semper Fi Marine

  11. Glad to hear your platelets came up. I know chemo works wonders and it will for you also. Bless you and all your family. Knowing you have all your family together now helps so much in your mental fight. I am Mary's lifelong friend.

  12. Ed,

    You know, everyone has an excuse, they are like, well, you know, everyone has one...

    We have one of the great wonders of the world down here called Ruidoso Downs Racetrack which hosts the Cowboy Symposium every year for real and poser cowboys. Every year we buy tickets and you guys don't show up. Every year you come up with some sort of excuse. This one, this year really takes the cake....Well, we will again get tickets and expect you to show up.

    This website is awesome, it has only taken me a week to figure out how to use it...AMLC you are doing a great job of keeping us groupies in the loop. Matt, sure wish I could listen in to some of your war stories...Heather & Mary and all the grandbabies look great in the family pics.
    We are all blessed.

    Hang in there my friend, you are in my prayers. We expect to read your book someday, not to mention seeing you on a horse wearing a Stetson.

    Semper Fi,


  13. Very Glad to hear some good news!
    I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Col. Edward (I think I'll stick w/ that rather than, "Hubba"), only the neighbors Analicia, Dexter, and Ben, but I've always been glad to know that Ed is in the neighborhood.
    Quit praying for Plankton, they're doing just fine:
    Stick with the platelets! I look forward to a big party when you're home and and have those T-cells whipped into shape!
    All the best; your neighbor,

  14. So glad to hear things are on the up and up for the moment - we've been thinking about you!!

    Cory forgot to mention that he became a doctor yesterday - though unfortunately not that kind of doctor! He could probably help with the plankton, but not so much with the platelets, so we'll just keep sending positive energy instead.

    Love you guys and thinking of you!
    Sara (and Cory)

  15. You did good giving your dad the snickers bar and coke Analicia, but CHIPS? PALEASE ED! - The dynamic duo looks great on the photo, the pink blankie really does it.
    Love, love, love to all of you. Lisa
    P.S. Don't give him the bottle of wine that has my name on it!!!

  16. Dear Ed,
    We have a team of NPS students heading down to Camp Pendleton in a few days to collect data on 68 Marines aboard AAVs, EFVs and LCACs -- and we could really use a Marine pep talk from you. Now that I have seen a photo of 2 Marines with a pink blanket, I think I have a better idea of what we will be facing when we get there. :-) Get better soon because we miss your smiling face!

    Thank you for allowing us to read the blog and see the progress you are making! You and your family are in our prayers.
    Nita Shattuck

  17. This is the first I have heard about our situation since visiting you two or three weeks ago. I say our situation because you (Colonel Lesnowicz) are a big part of a lot of people out here.
    There are those in this world we would like to forget before we ever meet them, there are those we forget when we do, and then there are those we will never forget no matter what occurs. You are one of those who I will never forget no matter what occurs.

    It is because of you and only a few like you in this world that I am who I am and do what I do. No pressure eh?

    I am getting over a serious head cold right now and would not want to pollute you. If I were in a position to give you a directive, it would be, follow all instructions given by Mary. I recall her hounding the VA folks to double check you and it sounds as though her hounding worked. In police work this is a clue, so continue to follow her instructions.

    Please keep me posted and as you once advised me, there is nothing wrong with ducking.
    I am looking for that black Rambler?

    Jim Howes

  18. Hey Sir,

    I just got back from firing 54,000 rounds of M855 and M855A1 rounds at Hawthorne, NV for a magazine test (5 Vendors). You were on my mind constantly. I told many a story about you to the people on my test. I will never forget that speech to the Regimental Staff as we prepared for the first Regimental Firex under your leadership, wow....and then you pointed to then Major "Wirebrush" Frazier, the S-4, and told him that you wanted a USO show, so that the Marines would see that Americans appreciate what they do. I, and many, many others, would have followed you to hell and back. If there is anything that I can do....just let me know.

    Victoria, fellow Banana Slug that she is, sends her prayers.

    Plankton...seriously...that's like a DI saying he really liked the cake at lunch....then that night his privates leave him 80 pieces of cake. I hope the hospital had room for all that planton that has been showing up.

    Semper Fi,

    Al "the Don" Matthews

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