We are finally GOING to DISNEY WORLD!
Does that mouse have a doctorate? |
Well, not really. Dad has his first offical appointment with Stanford Medical tomorrow. Kind of feels like we are going to Disney World minus the whole happiest place on Earth part. It might be the smartest place on Earth. Six in one hand half a dozen in the other, both are awesome.
Dad had a CT Scan yesterday. The two rounds of Kimo has knocked the cancer down quite a bit. The reality is this cancer is known to get knocked down and then just comes back with more attitude in 90% of patients. How ya like them odds? Hence the "rare aggressive cancer" verbiage. The reason Stanford has waited for dad to finish a few rounds of Kimo is because:
1. If you have been following along they were not so sure dad would be "available" for further treatment. That's when we pulled the rabbit out of our...hats.
2. Now they will have to start getting creative. Ideas we have heard are taking healthy stem cells and/or bone marrow while the cancer is down then truly going
full big wave surfer Mavericks-style Kimo on dad. Then they put the healthy stuff back into dad to give him the good guys he needs to win.
There are also possible clinical trials. Hopefully, all this will be discussed tomorrow and I will have a full report with all kinds of cool things. I promise to wear my "house of the mouse" ears during the report. I would wear them to Stanford but we don't want them to realize the Lesnowicz family is crazier than hell. We did however promise our local doctor to act our usual selves because we need to be "accepted" and he thinks our shiny attitudes might win us a seat on the cancer cure tram. Look alive people, Toot Toot!!
Speaking of shiny attitudes there is a quote I like to live by
"Perception Creates Reality". I've had time to pause, reflect and ask myself what does that really mean and how did I come by living by such a concept.
When I was little we moved from Quantico, VA (my dad had just finished TBS) to Lawton, OK for a few months of artillery training. We moved into a trailer park packed with young families. Dad went off to work only to come home a few nights in a row to my sister and I moping around the tiny trailer, "None of the kids want to play with us." Oklahoma seemed to have a tornado of little kids and we just couldn't get sucked in. The next night dad arrived home but this time with a BRAND NEW Fisher-Price boat. That's right, it was still IN the box and it wasn't anyone's birthday. A rare sight.
He excitedly sat my sister and I down and said, "Okay girls, you are going to go out front with this boat and act like you are having the time of your life." He walked us out there on that little piece of cement, held up that box and shouted "OH WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? WOW". You could feel the sides of the tornado take pause. They must of thought the Queen of England had sent us something straight from Buckingham Palace. I know I was convinced. My sister and I jumped with glee. We took that boat out of the box and played with dad. Man, that was one awesome boat. It had avocado green sides, diving board and even a captains chair. When we looked up dad was gone, replaced by a gust or two of that tornado. One by one the kids came over. We had our friends and before we knew it we were an accepted part of mother nature's weather patterns.
I imagine now that dad was looking through the small glass window. Smiling to himself about the fact that he had just won over a pack of 4-7 year old's, no small feat. He probably turned to mom and asked "What's for dinner Mar, I'm starved." Mom, I am sure, was thrilled just to have those two mopey kids out of the trailer.
You see, the gift wasn't the little green boat, as I had thought for so many years. The gift, was the
idea that I could win people over, even
crowds for that matter, with the
right tools and attitude. If you go in with the right perception you can create reality with it.
So, what came of the little green boat you ask? Well, she traveled to a dozen duty stations all over the world. Floated the high seas of more night time baths then can be counted. Maybe she isn't the exact same boat the Queen had sent but in my eyes she looks as good as the day she arrived from the palace 35 years ago.
The "Manipulator of the Seas" |
My two year old was playing with her today. He lifted her up and said "Mommy, a boat." I paused, knelt down and smiled at her. I lightly coughed out the sudden lump in my throat "Yes darlin' a boat, just a little green boat."